Sikkerhed for en tryg bolighandel
Jurateam sikrer, at alle juridiske aspekter af bolighandlen er gennemgået grundigt,
så du undgår fejl og potentielle økonomiske tab.
Professionel rådgivning og sparring
Du får adgang til erfarne juridiske eksperter, der kan hjælpe med alt fra
købsaftale og tilstandsrapporter til forhandling af pris og vilkår.
Skræddersyet hjælp gennem hele processen
Jurateam er personlig og tilpasset rådgivning, der tager hensyn til dine behov,
så bolighandlen bliver både effektiv og gennemsigtig.
Hourly rate
10 % af opnået nedslag
Med en professionel forhandler ved roret er der langt større sandsynlighed for at få et nedslag i prisen.
Hjælp til at forhandle nedslag i prisen ved boligkøb være en klog investering, der kan resultere i betydelige besparelser.
Hvis vi mod forventning ikke opnår et nedslag - så skal du selvfølgelig ikke betale for forhandlingen!
Buyer advice
kr. 12.000
Get legal help in identifying and managing any risks when buying a property.
Buyer advice gives you the necessary expertise, strength and security to navigate through the buying process with peace of mind. It can be a worthwhile investment that can save you time, money and worry in the long run.
Registration in the Land Registry (Tinglysning)
kr. 5.000
Professional help with land registration ensures that all documents and steps in the process meet legislative requirements and regulations.
By getting help with land registration, it is ensured that all legal aspects of the process are handled correctly and professionally.
It will save time, prevent mistakes and create security and safety for all parties involved in the process.
Co-Ownership Agreement (Samejeoverenskomst)
kr. 5.000
Creating a joint tenancy agreement is a valuable investment in your future security. It creates clarity, predictability and security in the relationship and minimizes the risk of conflicts or disputes in the event of unexpected events or the end of cohabitation. With a co-ownership agreement, you have clear agreements in place between you, should you end up in an unexpected place and need to sort out the finances between you.
Testament / Will
kr. 5.000
A will gives you and your loved ones peace of mind and ensures that your wishes are respected and that your loved ones receive what you intend to give them.
It also provides clear direction to your survivors and simplifies the legal process after your passing.
Cohabitation will
kr. 5.000
Legal counselling in family law, inheritance law and home buying is an invaluable resource for those seeking clarity, certainty and effective solutions to complex legal issues. It can help ensure you get the best possible protection for your specific situation and needs.
Just as the law and your options should be clear, you should also know what it costs to get the best help for your situation.
Prenuptial agreement
kr. 4.000
By creating a prenuptial agreement, you can create clarity and predictability about how your financial situation will be handled in the event of separation, divorce or death. A prenuptial agreement gives you the opportunity to tailor your finances in accordance with your individual wishes and needs.
Power of Attorney for the Future (Fremtidsfuldmagt)
kr. 1.500
A power of attorney is an important legal tool that allows you to appoint a person or people to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself.
Promissory note
kr. 2.500
Promissory Note
A promissory note (gældsbrev) is a legally binding document that outlines the loan amount, repayment terms, and any additional conditions. It helps reduce the risk of misunderstandings or disputes in the future. By clearly documenting the agreement, it becomes easier to enforce the terms and ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations.
Promissory note
kr. 1.500
Promissory Note
A promissory note (gældsbrev) is a legally binding document that outlines the loan amount, repayment terms, and any additional conditions. It helps reduce the risk of misunderstandings or disputes in the future. By clearly documenting the agreement, it becomes easier to enforce the terms and ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations.
Rental Agreement (Lejekontrakt)
kr. 5.000
A tenancy agreement can help prevent potential disputes between landlord and tenant by clearly defining the terms of the tenancy agreement and complying with applicable legislation and regulations in the area.
A lease protects the interests of both the lessor and the lessee and creates clarity, predictability and security between the parties. It is an important part of any tenancy agreement and should be drafted carefully and carefully.
Promissory note
kr. 2.000
Promissory Note
A promissory note (gældsbrev) is a legally binding document that outlines the loan amount, repayment terms, and any additional conditions. It helps reduce the risk of misunderstandings or disputes in the future. By clearly documenting the agreement, it becomes easier to enforce the terms and ensure that both parties fulfill their obligations.